Ranger Oil Filter Crusher
Ranger Oil Filter Crusher
This commercial-grade oil filter crusher and paint can crusher expertly crushes filters and cans to 20% - 25% of their original size in seconds. At the drastically reduced size, cans and oil filters are much cheaper to dispose, so the Ranger RP-20FC is good for the environment AND your bank account. Perfect for crushing light-duty truck and automotive filters. Even those 8” tall filters found in power stroke diesels will fold under the massive force of this crusher. The average auto repair shop ends up with hundreds or even thousands of oil filters every year, all filled with sludge and used oil from engines. Because of this, used filters are viewed as contaminated waste by the EPA, which mandates tough disposal regulations. This crusher separates 95% of the waste oil from the metal and recycles it into a storage container of your choice for proper disposal. This means that rather than having a stack of bulky, dirty oil filters sitting in your shop, you end up with a neat pile of clean scrap metal and an easy-to-manage container of used oil that can be disposed of cheaply and conveniently. Best of all, this entire process is in full compliance with EPA disposal guidelines.