Bora Portamate Drill Vise
Bora Portamate Drill Vise
If you own a drill press, you owe it to yourself to see just how easy this Bora 4 In. Drill press clamp makes your projects. It fastens to the table of virtually any make and model drill press, and holds fast whatever it is you are working on. This allows for increased precision and ease of drilling, without you worrying about previously-used vise grips or c-clamps never quite getting the job done. We’ve added a host of features that customers love, and designed this woodworkers and DIY enthusiasts everywhere. The slotted bottom is designed to easily bolt to virtually any drill press base; the oversize grip is comfortable and pivots 90 degrees for increased clamping power; the steel jaws are rock solid, and will hold your material fast without marring it; and the quick release makes it a pleasure to use – you can quickly and easily reposition your material, making drilling multiple holes simple. It’s lightweight, yet super strong, and comes with a lifetime warranty, making this drill press vise a great value.
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